Bowing on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in 2019, this daunting and dialogue-free animated adventure series from "Samurai Jack" creator Genndy Tartakovsky is set in a prehistoric fantasy world, and follows the adventures of a Neanderthal man ("Spear") and a female Tyrannosaurus ("Fang")-each having just lost their clan to predators-as they come to journey and hunt together for survival.10 episodes on 1 disc. 3 2/3 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
Bowing on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in 2019, this daunting and dialogue-free animated adventure series from "Samurai Jack" creator Genndy Tartakovsky is set in a prehistoric fantasy world, and follows the adventures of a Neanderthal man ("Spear") and a female Tyrannosaurus ("Fang")-each having just lost their clan to predators-as they come to journey and hunt together for survival.10 episodes on 1 disc. 3 2/3 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
Bowing on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in 2019, this daunting and dialogue-free animated adventure series from "Samurai Jack" creator Genndy Tartakovsky is set in a prehistoric fantasy world, and follows the adventures of a Neanderthal man ("Spear") and a female Tyrannosaurus ("Fang")-each having just lost their clan to predators-as they come to journey and hunt together for survival.10 episodes on 1 disc. 3 2/3 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.