Meet Punky, a spirited six-year-old girl who has Down syndrome. She is a happy little girl who loves music, dancing, and hugs! She loves playing with her big brother, Con, and jumping around with her dog, Rufus, who is Punky's best friend. He's small, hairy, and loves to steal slippers and, well, what dog doesn't?
Meet Punky, a spirited six-year-old girl who has Down syndrome. She is a happy little girl who loves music, dancing, and hugs! She loves playing with her big brother, Con, and jumping around with her dog, Rufus, who is Punky's best friend. He's small, hairy, and loves to steal slippers and, well, what dog doesn't?
Meet Punky, a spirited six-year-old girl who has Down syndrome. She is a happy little girl who loves music, dancing, and hugs! She loves playing with her big brother, Con, and jumping around with her dog, Rufus, who is Punky's best friend. He's small, hairy, and loves to steal slippers and, well, what dog doesn't?